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Updated: Sep 20, 2020

Our legendary board and their helpers have done an amazing job preparing our club to return to Dragon boat paddling.

DBNSW required us to submit a 'Covid-19 Safety Plan' for approval. This was an indepth plan on how we planned to keep all paddlers #covidsafe while on site before and after training and during training on the boats. Our plan also needed to go to council for approval because our clubhouse and boats are on council land.

Our board also drew up and put in place some procedures for cleanliness of boats, clubhouse and individual hygeine procedures. These were placed on our TeamApp platform for ease of refrence for our members.

The club held a mini working bee to get the clubhouse ready for our first training session. They gave all boats, the toilet block and the clubhouse a deep clean and installed a touchless hand sanitiser for members to use when they got to site. A key board with hooks for members car keys was installed so members now do not have to fish through the key basket to find their car keys.

Our Covid-19 Safety officer, KK, has been doing a great job keeping all members informed on the latest Covid updates coming from NSW Health.

We have now had four sessions back on the water and all members are really embracing our new way of attending training. They have all been very co-operative when getting their tempreture checks on arrival, keeping socially distant while we wait for everyone to arrive and having our glamour shot group photo for GL to submit.

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